The John Jenkins Stadium

Moneyfield Avenue Portsmouth PO3 6LA
We have full disabled facilities, including a wet room changing area.
Parking for 100+ cars and 4 changing rooms. Tea hut is also open, and will be looking to open a licensed bar in the next 12 months.
Acceptable footwear is:
- Studs moulded
- Plastic studs screw in less than 15mm
- Astro Turf trainers
NOT accepted:
- Blades or metal studs (for safety)
- Trainers or flat soled shoes
The facility has two outside full sized 3G pitches, one marked for 5,7,9 & 11 aside football. The other for 11 a-side only. This does however offer a stand.
Availability is mainly Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Although there is more availability at certain times of the year.
9ASIDE PITCH USE Can be 5aside or 7aside
For the selection in the calender, the 9aside pitch (half pitch) can be used for 5 or 7aside also. This allows you to play multiple ranges of sports should you need. Goals will be available.