Would you like to make more income from your facility?
Become one of hundreds of venues joining HireAPitch!
Listing is completely FREE of charge. Gain access to our online bookings, app facility as well as your own private log to display performance.
Capture the moment
Organising a film shoot for your brand?
doing something for YouTube?
doing something for YouTube?
From supplying the venue and catering to providing extras and arranging permits, HireAPitch will ensure your film shoot goes exactly as planned.
We have had bespoke requests from 24 hour turnarounds to filming on a roof, so rest assured nothing is impossible. Just bring your crew and cameras and be ready to shoot.
Clients Include

11 A Side Leagues

5, 6 & 7 a Side Leagues

Whether it’s a birthday or a special occasion we are here to take the pressure of organising to deliver your perfect children's party.
We tailor each party to your individual style to ensure each one is perfectly designed to your little ones big day.

Weddings & FUNCTIONS
Can a sports facility host a wedding? 1000 + customers cant be wrong. Top quality facilities at rock bottom prices. Let us plan your vision.
We will provide the event decor, marquees, entertainment and catering. Book a meeting now and view our facilities.
Since launching in 2014 we have held more than 100 corporate and team building events. From sports days, bubble football and wacky ‘it’s a knockout’ themed events to country pursuits and ‘murder mystery’ dinners, we’ve catered for groups as little as 8 to 1000 people.